Friday, August 28, 2009

More Adventure

So much has happened that it has been nearly impossible to blog. I'll do what I can to catch up on yesterday so I can get to the excitement of today.
Okay - our plan was to get to Livingston. We stopped and tour Glenn Vaughn's restoration shop and then headed down the highway. What could be simpler? A few miles down the road Gail calls and says he has stopped at the local auto parts store to buy a part for our car. He says it will fix all our problems. He then tells us that he and Joyce have stopped at a bakery for some fresh bread. All seems to be well. Barrie & I and Don & Arlene continue down I-90. We seem to making progress but it is not to last. Without too much trouble we make it to Missoula for lunch. I ask our GPS (Jill) for a place for lunch and up comes the Depot and Bar. Sounds like a good choice and not too far off the freeway. Since Joyce and Gail are somewhere else -- it is just our car and the Wohlwends that head into Missoula. The Depot cannot be found!!! So we ask at the local Pawn Shop and they suggest the James Bar. Nice lunch on the patio.
Now we have to figure out how to get two cranky Cords to start so we can head off down the road. Ours is clearly NOT going to start!! Finally, I ask the two cars that are thinking about parking in front of us to move so we can push the Cord. This is desperation. Barrie is driving the Cord and two octogenarians and his wife are pushing. This cannot continue. The good news is that the Wohlwend's car starts. We stop for gas (Barrie is not turning off the engine) and head back to I-90. Still a couple hundred miles to travel and no sign of Gail.
What could be easier than driving I-90? Our car is over-heating and Don is struggling with vapor-lock. Arlene calls on the cell phone to say that they are pulling over - the car simply can't continue in a forward direction. We think about going back -- but the only thing worse than 1 car stuck on the side of the road is TWO!! We continue on and promise to stay in touch by cell phone.
We finally connect with Gail just east of the continental divide and push on for Livingston. Waiting to hear if Don manages to get the car restarted. Finally, it seems that the only logical choice is to call AAA for a tow. Don & Arlene wait for the tow truck and we continue on to the historic Murray Hotel in Livingston.
Barrie pulls our car into the parking lot and it QUITS. The car is not going to move. Gail pulls in behind us and his car QUITS!! We can't get it started again. Finally we push both cars into a corner of the parking lot and head to the bar. We are stopped for the night and will worry about the cars in the morning.
The Murray Hotel is just like the Auburn Hotel only restored. Our rooms are well-appointed but they are on the 4th floor and the elevator (which is older than our cars) is not working. We haul our things four flights of steps thinking that this is just more of the adventure. We enjoy a glass of wine (or two or three) and head downstairs to dinner at 7:30 at the Bistro.
We settle in for a wonderful dinner and a good bottle of wine. We are waiting for a call from Don -- and discover they have the car on the truck and should arrive by 10:00. You'll have to ask Arlene about the 150 mile drive in. The good news is that they have arrived. All cars are safe and so are the people. We are going to call it a night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You guysare really having an adventure! Hope That magical part Gail picked up does the trick for Tinkerbelle. What about the other two?
